AIFF legal head seeks government interference to save Indian football

Nilanjan raised another crucial question exposing AIFF president's personal trips at the cost of AIFF's money.

Nilanjan Bhattacharya, the legal head of All India Football Federation (AIFF) is seeking intervention from Union Minister of Home Affairs Amit Shah as well as Union Minister for Information & Broadcasting and Youth Affairs & Sports Anurag Thakur in the financial scams that have been going on under the leadership of AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey since he joined the federation as the president in September 2022. 

Nilanjan who already exposed the AIFF president and his close associates’ several financial scandals now wants the intervention of Amit Shah and Anurag Thakur. He stated, “I would strongly like to request the attention of the respected honorary members of BJP, Amit Shah to put a reflection on people like Kalyan Chaubey who could never stand on the pedestal of the truth and make his career by siphoning money to corrupt the practices.”

He added, “I also would like to request honorable sports minister Anurag Thakur to take consideration and understanding as to who could be a potential candidate and immediately request Kalyan Chaubey to quit from the dignified position of AIFF president.” 

Nilanjan divulged, "I seek responses from them and I have huge confidence in their decisions that would help the AIFF as well as Indian football prosper in the future." 

Nilanjan sent emails a couple of days ago to the AIFF president where he specifically mentioned, ‘I feel disrespected with the proposal given to me from your part to choose an ‘alternative option’. 

The experienced lawyer at both Calcutta High Court and Supreme Court commented on the issue stating, “I was asked to work as AIFF’s standing council which is done to ensure that I do not get to review any essential financial arrangement that AIFF enters into and hence cannot safeguard its interests- only which was extremely insulting to me.” 

Nilanjan at the same time feels the AIFF president’s behavior was natural. “I started raising concerns since the bidding process for the I-League last year. Last year it was more than Rs 8 crore. I proposed to do the broadcasting on city-wise. It would minimise the cost. But last year the broadcasting right was given to a single person, close to Kalyan Chaubey."

"It was even learnt that the broadcasting of the matches which were supposed to be beamed with an eight-camera set-up finally had four cameras and the remaining four cameras were dummies! Before this season, I advised making black-listing norms which would help the AIFF to shortlist the companies that bid fairly. Even I advised to start monitoring and inspection of the matches by the AIFF persons to stop the fake activities by installing dummy cameras," explained Nilanjan.

According to Nilanjan, "This apart the company took a huge charge for logistic. The bill for the logistics in a single location for the Futsal tournament held in New Delhi was given for more than Rs 6 lakh. Kalyan started getting angry with me when I started raising questions.” 

Nilanjan raised another crucial question stating, “The president made several personal trips last year including his repeated trips to Qatar, especially to Bangalore for undisclosed personal interests, spending AIFF’s money. It was around Rs 36 lakhs till 31st March last year. During that phase Shaji Prabhakaran, the then AIFF secretary also raised concerns along with me.” 

Nilajan also revealed that the broadcasting of the ongoing Santosh Trophy for the senior national championship has also been given to that company close to Kalyan Chaubey. Nilanjan also pointed out AIFF treasurer Ajay Kipa who also has been equally involved in the financial scams going on since 2022. 

Nilanjan further informed that on several occasions attempts were made to enter into lopsided financial arrangements with commercial entities to the complete disadvantage of AIFF for instance the issue of partnership with Indigo, wherein Minimum Guarantee commitments to the tune of Rs. 7 crores was given along with a host of other rights without any approval of appropriate body. Nilanjan’s refusal to sign off on such agreements led him to incur the wrath of Kalyan Chaubey. 

Further, Mr. Bhattacharjee alleged that attempts were made to arm-twist him and the general audience by citing his political affiliation. Bhattacharjee feels that in doing so Chaubey is misrepresenting the ethos of such a political organisation and is acting for serving his interests.

Incidentally, Chaubey could not be contacted for his reaction.

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