ASOS Rainbow earn three points

Rajesh Das scored the brace for the winners while Ajay Kumar Tolange reduced the margin for Wari AC.

ASOS Rainbow edged past Wari AC 2-1 in their CFL Premier Division match at Barrackpore Stadium on Friday. Rajesh Das scored the brace for the winners while Ajay Kumar Tolange reduced the margin for Wari AC.

Rainbow has garnered 17 points after their 10th match. Incidentally, the club officials made an appeal to Calcutta Referees’ Association (CRA) to post experienced and quality referee in Friday’s match. According to a club official, “We have been victim of poor supervision in so many this season. So we made a appeal to CRA and the country’s one of the best referees Pranjal Banerje was posted to supervise today’s match.” 

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