"Family were surprised of Sunil's retirement decision" : Kharga chettri

In an exclusive interview with Parallel Sports Kharga Chettri spoke about his son's retirement decisionon

Parallel Sports: Did your family aware about his retirement's day?
Kharga chettri: "It was too quick, we are totally shocked. We were expecting that, the day will come soon one day he also discussed with us about this, but today is the day we didn't even imagine."

Parallel Sports: Sunil became the star of Indian football, What do you feel as a father?
Kharga chettri: "It is very much nostalgic moment for the whole family, as Sunil started his career from kolkata and his last match is also in kolkata.
I still remember that day, in 2002 when he went for the Mohun Bagan trial, I didn't even expect he could get a chance there, and now after becoming the captain of Indian team, 
he became the icon of youth with his marvellous achivement."

Parallel Sports: Will your family attent the match?
Kharga chettri: "We are little bit emotional, feeling sad that we can't see anymore him in Indian jersey and at the same time we are very much happy also, what he had done in Indian football. 
In his 19 years International career, he achived lots of proud moment for us. we are fully satisfied by his football career. 
And ofcourse we will be there in stadium on 6th June, as Kolkata is the mecca of Indian football and We are pleased that he wants to end his International career from there."

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