IFA secretary says it is the magic of InSports TV and P.R Solutions

Fifa has been presenting this award since 2009.

The 20-yard right-footed side volley not only stunned Kolkata's football fraternity. The Zlatan Ibrahimovic-style wonder goal struck by Aryan's Saikat Sarkar against Customs in the CFL Premier Division on Tuesday at Amal Dutta Stadium has already created sensation.

The IFA secretary however did not seat idle after watching the wonder-goal. He took a rare initiative of sending the video clippings of Saikat's goal to world soccer's ruling body Fifa, requesting them to nominate the goal in the panel for the best-goal award named after legendary Ferenc Puskas this year. Fifa has been presenting this award since 2009. They select the top 10 goals scored between October to September next season and the best three goals are finally chosen on the basis of public voting. 

Anirban Dutta deserves the acknowledgment for taking Saikat Sarkar's achievement to Fifa, the first-ever incident in the history of CFL. But he had a huge appreciation for PR Solutions, the production company whose effort helped IFA to rope in InSports TV to televise all the CFL matches this season. 

He said, "The football-loving people are being able to watch all the matches of CFL Premier Division due to InSports TV and PR Solutions. Previously all matches were not beamed live. The people could see only the matches of East Bengal, Mohun Bagan and Mohammedan Sporting. So, both InSports TV and PR Solutions are doing a great job. I have been able to take such initiative only due to them. "

Dutta added, "All the matches are being archived by InSports TV which will also be a great advantage for us. So, this has been the beginning. In future also, I can send video clippings to Fifa if any wonder goal is scored in the CFL."

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