Letter to Prime Minister from EBRP for the participation in Asian Games

Request has also been made to the Prime Minister to intervene and allow the national team to participate in the Asian Games.

One of East Bengal's biggest fan groups East Bengal Real Power has sent a letter to the Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi on Monday, requesting him to intervene and clear the country's under-23 football team for its participation in the Asian Games this year. 

It has been written in the letter that participating in the Asian games would provide country's talented footballers with a valuable opportunity to gain invaluable international exposure. 

It has also been mentioned in the letter that the momentum gained by Indian football in recent years must not be curtailed, but rather nurtured and accelerated. Request has also been made to the Prime Minister to intervene and allow the national team to participate in the Asian Games.


Pranab Ghosh
Pranab Ghosh
Jul 18, 2023 | 9:21 AM

Join Football team in Asian games

Chinmoy Basu
Chinmoy Basu
Jul 18, 2023 | 8:30 AM

বড় আসরে না খেললে আমরা কবে আর বিশ্বকাপ খেলব।। তাই চাই এশিয়া কাপে ভারতীয় ফুটবল দল প্রতিনিধিত্ব করুক।।

Sandip Chakraborty
Sandip Chakraborty
Jul 17, 2023 | 11:49 PM

India should play

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