Ranjit Bajaj wants the presence of FSDL in the meeting with AIFF

AIFF’s acting general secretary M Satyanarayan said the executive committee will discuss the matter in a meeting to be held in the next 7-10 days.

Ranjit Bajaj, the president of the I-league Clubs Association wants FSDL representatives in the meeting with the All India Football Federation (AIFF). In a letter to the All India Football Federation chief and executive committee members, I-League Clubs Association president Ranjit Bajaj has threatened legal action if the AIFF does not follow the Indian football road-map. 

While speaking to Parallel Sports Bajaj questioned, "FSDL representatives must have to be present in the meeting. At the time of the construction of the 'road-map of Indian football,' they were involved along with the AIFF. Then, why is not FSDL speaking up today on the relegation issue?"

“Reneging on the written commitments made to the I-League clubs to follow the Indian Football Roadmap presented by the AFC would constitute a serious breach of trust,” Moreover, any deviation from the declarations made before the Supreme Court of India by AIFF and FSDL would amount to contempt of court. The counsel for AIFF, alongside FSDL’s counsel, has clearly submitted that the top league of the country will adhere to the principles of promotion and relegation. Failing to honor these promises will compel us to approach the Supreme Court with a contempt petition against AIFF and FSDL,” Bajaj wrote in the letter.

When contacted, AIFF’s acting general secretary M Satyanarayan said the executive committee will discuss the matter in a meeting to be held in the next 10 days.

“It’s a sub-judice matter but the AIFF Executive Committee will meet in the next 10 days to discuss how to best find a resolution to the issue,”

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