‘The sooner he leaves, the better it is…’, Igor Stimac lashes out at AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey

The All India Football Federation had announced on 17th June on Monday, that Igor Stimac has been relieved of his duties as the head coach of the Indian men's football team.

Former India football coach Igor Stimac delivered a blistering critique of AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey on Friday, advocating for a change in leadership for the betterment of football in a country where the sport’s growth has stalled despite its global popularity. Stimac emphasized the urgency of Chaubey stepping down, asserting that it is crucial for the future trajectory of football in India, which currently faces stagnation.

Speaking to a host of reporters from across India, Stimac alleged that Indian football was imprisoned in the hands of power-hungry people and was unlikely to reach a good level in the next 20 years. Stimac took sharp digs at the AIFF stating alleging that he was incorrectly sacked.

"I came with an open heart to Indian football. But your football is imprisoned. It will take a couple of decades for things to improve which I don't see happening," Stimac said in his virtual press conference.

"Not surprised about parting ways. Most of my senior players knew I had decided to leave even after had qualified for the third round. It was impossible for me to go on without proper support, full of lies and people who had only private interests," he further added. 

In the same press conference, Stimac said that he was not able to take the mental stress of coaching job in India and had to get heart surgery before the Asian Cup. The former head coach also alleged that no one in the AIFF knew how to run Indian football.

“The people in AIFF don’t know how to run a football house, they don’t know how to organise cups. These people only care about power,” Stimac said.

The former coach was furious with the functioning of the Federation’s top brass and said that the Indian team did not get any technical help from the federation.

"IM Vijayan was a fantastic player but he shouldn't be the one presiding over the technical committee (TC). I told the AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey that during each camp we should have one of the members of the TC to be in the team and see what kind of work we do and what we provide our players. You think they sent someone? No one was there," the former head coach further added.

The All India Football Federation had announced on 17th June on Monday, that Igor Stimac has been relieved of his duties as the head coach of the Indian men's football team. 

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