Unrepentant Kosaraju demands AIFF president Kalyan Chaubey’s resignation

The former Andhra Pradesh Football Association president said his multiple allegations against Kalyan Chaubey are only to highlight the misuse of public money.

Since his corruption and financial misuse allegations against Kalyan Chaubey are founded on “substantial evidence”, former Andhra Pradesh Football Association president Gopalakrishna Kosaraju in a reply to AIFF president’s legal notice seeking ‘unconditional apology’, has retorted. 

Through his advocates, Kosaraju has demanded the All India Football Association president’s resignation, threatening legal action for failure to do so.

In a point by point disproof of Chaubey’s legal notice sent on 6th February, Kosaraju, through his lawyer on Wednesday, said his multiple allegations are ‘not to extract any political and personal vendetta’ but to highlight ‘misuse of the public money at a large scale’.

Kosaraju said he is “not making any defamatory allegations instead he is making the concerned authority and public aware about the misuse of the public-exchequer by the client (Kalyan Chabey) for the political gains.”



Chaubey had demanded an unconditional apology from Kosaraju for slandering his name in public with “baseless allegations” and maintained his innocence.

“The allegations against your client are founded on the substantial evidence on record and there is no as such harm done to the reputation to your client at personal and professional standing,” Kosaraju said in the legal communiqué.

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