With an exceptional heart rate of 56 BPM, Gautam Sarkar dominated the midfield over the decedes

Gautam Sarkar believes Ciric Milovan is the best foreign coach to have come to India so far.

Gautam Sarkar, one of the country's all-time great midfielders had an exceptional heart rate. That was 56 BPM and it is called Bradycardia when the heart beats fewer than 60 times a minute. Bradycardia can be called normal only when an adult is sleeping and at that time his or her heart rate becomes between 40 and 60 BPM. 

One could not have imagined how Gautam Sarkar with such an exceptional heart rate could run at the same pace through the 90 minutes of a match and dominate the central midfield with an extreme level of energy. 

The 73-year-old midfielder himself is also aware of the fact. On the day before going to receive 'Mohun Bagan Ratna' on the occasion of Mohun Bagan day on Sunday, Sarkar revealed while speaking to Parallel Sports, "I knew it long back when I was playing full-fledged. But after I knew it from the medical check-up I increased endurance training. Even after the end of the team's training, I used to run and did some special types of exercises that helped me to gain energy. I never had to breathe heavily even after any high-voltage match in my career." 

After coming to know about the award to be given to him, Gautam Sarkar expressed his maximum gratitude to his parents and then to his wife Uttama Sarkar. Sarkar stated, "My wife was passionate about writing poems. She used to do a lot of extra-curricular activities but sacrificed all only due to me. I am extremely thankful to her." 

Marking Pele in the famous exhibition match against Cosmos at the Eden Gardens in 1977 is the memorable match of Gautam Sarkar wearing a green-and-maroon jersey. Sarkar remembered, "The compliments I received from Pele in the 'dinner' party on the same day, I will never forget. That has been the most precious moment for me." 

When asked whether he found any midfielder following his style of play, the former junior national coach mentioned, "I liked Satyajit Chatterjee a lot. His speed, galloping down the middle was brilliant." 

Simultaneously, he pointed out the late Sudip Chatterjee's name. "Sudip brought a transformation in the midfield play, following European style. I was moved to have watched his mesmerizing long-ball passing accuracy. I still believe Ciric Milovan is the best foreign coach to have come to India and he gave Chatterjee the deserved certificate."

Sarkar also became emotional while commenting on his favorite defender, Sudhir Karmakar. "What a footballer he was! He could smell the opposition forward's movements, his anticipation was incredible. Despite being short in height his spot-jump was magnificent, " Sarkar concluded. 

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